Thursday, 1 February 2018

Writing a strong Research Paper

The Next Big Step after hard work and research is creating a draft of research paper and making it suitable for publication. With multiple editing rounds one can ensure that the draft is perfected and there is no room left for further improvement.
Here are few tips that we need to keep in mind while editing
Language: The manuscript should be presented using the language of genre and correct style. Accurate language will help to enhance clarity of explanation, the rationality of the line of reasoning and aid in creating an overall positive impression. Many publishers expect the authors to present their research work adhering to their publication’s standards and guidelines. So it’s best to be familiar with the associated manuscript submission guidelines and follow the recommended editorial and writing style.

Structure/Organization: Most manuscripts usually follow the structure consisting of Title, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussions and Conclusions

Regarding Citation and References:  It is not uncommon for researchers to refer other published work and extrapolate their findings. These sources of information have to be properly cited and listed in the references section. This is to give due credit to the original author, to allow readers easy access to further study of cited works and most important to avoid plagiarism. Anything quoted in the content should have an entry in the reference section and vice versa. The preferred citation style and format to be used depends on the journal or publisher you’re writing for and has to be strictly adhered to.

Getting the Facts right: Accurate facts are very important to add credibility to your publication. At times it is better to play it safe by getting important content reviewed by a subject matter expert to determine factual accuracy.

Presenting evidences and examples: Evidence and examples help to emphasize the observations and facts of the research. And the way you analyze, interpret, and present your data goes a long way to add relevance and significance to your claims. Evidences should be provided judiciously to support your assertions with suitable clarity of course!

You have done the hard and impressive research work followed by the creation of first draft. At LanguageEdit we can help you take the next step. Our team of experienced editors with relevant subject matter expertise can work with you to improve the quality of manuscripts by providing support on everything from language use to scientific proofreading and Technical editorial services

Get in touch with us now to benefit from a publication ready paper!

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Writing a strong Research Paper
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